2022.1.20 - 2022.1.27
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General Task
Complete in-App Daily Sign-in 0
View 2 community posts 0
Complete 5 post likes 0
Participate in 1 wheel events 0
Complete one G Coin recharge(Updated in 1 hour) 0
Until the next task refresh: Minutes
General Task
1 high-quality post is pinned Essence by official staff 0
Personal Points
Glory Coin:0
My ranking:0
My Crew
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*Invite new players for rewards~
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Team Contribution Rankings
Event Rewards
1. Event Period: 2022.1.20-2022.1.27,Exchange period:2022.1.27-2022.1.29
2. Glory Coins are limited-time items used in this event, they can be obtained during the event and become invalid after the event ends.
3. This event is separated into two modes, the alliance tournament and individual tournament, and rankings will be shown at the same time:
a. If you have not created or joined an alliance, you can only obtain Personal Glory Coins.
b. If you have created or joined an alliance, Personal Glory Coins will also count towards the alliance Glory Coin total.
c. Share the event link to invite new players to download and register GTA accounts, and the new players will have the benefit of obtaining double the amount of Glory Coins. In the personal rankings, you can get half of the Glory Coins obtained by the players you invite as a reward.
d. If a member leaves an alliance, the alliance Glory Coin total will not be deducted, but the personal Glory Coins already obtained by the member will not be transferred to a new alliance.
e. After the event, the rewards received by the top alliance in the alliance rankings will be split equally between its members.
f. Due to external factors, the rankings will not be updated in real time, and the reward obtained from new players will be settled every 24 hours.
4. The Surprise Task is a one-time task, and cannot be completed repeatedly. There are specifics in the post and recharge tasks. After official verification, the reward will be issued within two working days.
5. If an account has any violations (including but not limited to malicious registration, cheating, and the use of illegal technical works), Gtarcade has the right to cancel the account’s qualification for rewards and withdraw any rewards that have already been issued. In case of serious circumstances, the account will be banned.
6. This event has no relation to Apple Inc., and final rights and interpretation belongs to the Gtarcade operations team.


Congratulations to the team for the No.
GT Points x5000
Choose one of three gift packs
Congratulations to the person for the No.
GT Points x5000
Choose one of three gift packs
The event has ended, there is no winning information
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